
Membuat aplikasi dengan vb 6
Membuat aplikasi dengan vb 6

Some of the important methods of Winsock control are as following:Accept MethodIt accepts the request for connection from the client system. A port is a special memory locationthat exists when two computers are in communication via TCP/IP.Applications use a port number as an identifier to other computers, boththe sending and receiving computers use this port to exchange data.To make the job of communication easier, some port numbers have beenstandardized. In real life situations, database might belocated on a machine different from the one that hosts the clientapplication.I think it would be better to talk about theports before we proceed any further. Client will send arequest to the server and the server which will be connected to adatabase will retrieve the information requested by the client from thedatabase and will return the requested information back to the client.You will a database with this article, the database contains the itemnumbers and their prices. Both client andserver will interact with each other to exchange data. Inthis article, I am going to show how to use the winsock in a clientserver environment, we will create two separate applications, one ofwhich will be a server and the other will be a client. Agar program di client bisa jalan, component-component yangdiperlukan harus sudah terinstall (teregistrasi) di client tersebut '.

Membuat aplikasi dengan vb 6